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 )(__  )(_)(  )    (   \__ \ ) _ (  )__)  )(__  )__) 
(____)(_____)(__/\__)  (___/(_) (_)(____)(____)(__)  

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(Premium v. 1.00b)
–|––––HOW_IT_WORKS–––––|– | | | 1. FIND A PRODUCT | | 2. CHOOSE VERSION | | | –|––––––––––|––––––––––|– | –|–––––––––––|–––––––––––|– | FREE | PREMIUM | –|–––––|–––––|–––––––––––|– | –|–––––––|––––––––––––––––––––|– | | | 3. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS | | 4. BUY MATERIAL AT LOCAL | | HARDWARE STORE | | 5. GET HANDY & BUILD | | IT YOURSELF | | | –|–––––––––––––|––––––––––––––|– | –|––––––––––––|–––––––––––––|– | | | ENJOY YOUR | | LOCAL–SOURCE.FURNITURE | | | –|––––––––––––––––––––––––––|–
–|––––HOW_IT_WORKS–––––|– | | | 1. FIND A PRODUCT | | 2. CHOOSE VERSION | | | –|––––––––––|––––––––––|– | –|–––––––––––|–––––––––––|– | FREE | PREMIUM | –|–––––––––––|–––––|–––––|– | –|–––––––––––––––––––|––––––––|– | | | 3. PAY LICENSE FEE | | 4. CONTACT A LOCAL | | CABINETMAKER | | 5. RECEIVE AUTHENTICITY | | CERTIFICATE | | | –|–––––––––––––|––––––––––––––|– | –|––––––––––––|–––––––––––––|– | | | ENJOY YOUR | | LOCAL–SOURCE.FURNITURE | | | –|––––––––––––––––––––––––––|–
   _________________                       |                                        
  |  _____  ____ __ |                      |                                     ______
  |  ////   |||| || |                      |                                     \    /
  |                 |                                                             {  } 
  | || 1.~~~~~ ~~~  |          –|––––HOW_IT_WORKS–––––|–                          {  } 
  | ~~ 2.~~~~~ ~~~  |           |                     |                           {  } 
  | ~~ 3.~~~~~ ~~~  |           |  1. FIND A PRODUCT  |                           {  } 
  '–––––––––––––––––'           |  2. CHOOSE VERSION  |                           {  } 
                                |                     |                           {  } 
                               –|––––––––––|––––––––––|–                           \/  
              |                            |                            |              
              |  3. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS  |  3. PAY LICENSE FEE        |              
              |  4. BUY MATERIAL AT LOCAL  |  4. CONTACT A LOCAL        |              
              |     HARDWARE STORE         |     CABINETMAKER           |              
              |  5. GET HANDY & BUILD      |  5. RECEIVE AUTHENTICITY   |              
              |     IT YOURSELF            |     CERTIFICATE            |              
              |                            |                            |              
                            –|–––––––––––––|––––––––––––––|–                      ____ 
                             |                            |                      /    /
                             |         ENJOY YOUR         |                     / TT //
                             |   LOCAL–SOURCE.FURNITURE   |                    /    // 
                             |                            |                   /    //  
                            –|––––––––––––––––––––––––––––|–                 /    //   
                                                                      __ ___/____//    
                                           |                          |D),,,,,,,,,,\   
                                           |                              /    //      
.–––––––––––––––––––––––.                  |                             /    //       
| o                   o |                  |                            /    //        
| o                   o |                  |                           / TT //         
'–––––––––––––––––––––––'                  |                          /    //          
                                           |                         /___ //           
                                           |                        |____|/            


Once, there was a Swedish business model called 'mönsterritningar'; blueprints of furniture that you ordered and brought to your local cabinetmaker — or made yourself.

LOCAL-SOURCE.FURNITURE is a concept that reimagines this through inspiration from the OPEN-SOURCE community. 

The concept seeks to highlight the time and processes involved with designing and manu-facturing furniture, and aspires people to DIY or source locally.

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LOCAL-SOURCE.FURNITURE was a part of Johanna Fosselius' BFA degree project in Product Design at Beckmans College of Design, spring 2021.

This project would never have been realised, if it weren't for Svenskt Trä, Oscar Wall, Måns Peterson, Felix Öhlund and Liselott Fosselius.

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